Så bygger du ett smart hem med Xiaomi Home – från luftrenare till lampor & övervakningskameror

So you build a smart home with Xiaomi Home - from air purifiers to lamps & surveillance cameras

A smart home does not have to be complicated to set up. With the Xiaomi Home app and Xiaomi's wide range of compatible devices, you can easily conn...
Så bygger du ett smart hem med Xiaomi Home – från luftrenare till lampor & övervakningskameror

So you build a smart home with Xiaomi Home - from air purifiers to lamps & surveillance cameras

A smart home does not have to be complicated to set up. With the Xiaomi Home app and Xiaomi's wide range of compatible devices, you can easily conn...
Guide: Vad ska jag välja av Smartwatch eller Aktivitetsarmband?

Guide: What should I choose from SmartWatch or activity bracelet?

How to choose the correct device To decide whether to bet on a Activity bracelets  or one Smart watch Is mainly about what features you need, how m...
Vilken Xiaomi robotdammsugare är bäst 2025?

Which Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner is best in 2025?

If you want to keep the home shiny clean with the least possible effort is one Robot vacuum cleaner An excellent choice. Xiaomi has several series ...
Guide: Vilken Xiaomi telefon är bäst för dig?

Guide: Which Xiaomi phone is best for you?

Here at Mistor we want to make it easier to choose the right Xiaomi product. Xiaomi offers a wide range of smartphones through its various series, ...
Xiaomi SU7

Xiaomi Su7

  Meet Xiaomi Su7 Watch the video from the factory